EXP 2 - Plan and Section

Plan and Section Drawing

The plan was based on Mies van der Rohe's Farnsworth house, using basic rectangular shapes to create a structure. The house is basic in design, having a central core that divides the open living space into separate areas. However, the school required separate spaces, thus this was incorporated into the plan.
The section was inspired by Zaha Hadid's architecture as she incorporated curves into her designs. This decision creates a contrast been the rectangular plan and a curved section.

Model Development

The model was further developed from these drawings, including separate spaces for each element necessary for a school. Below are images from the developed SketchUp model. While I attempted to develop my design from the plan and section drawings, I was limited to the size of the land thus certain elements could not be included

This was the version created, the rods sit perpendicular to the floors and the overall area was deemed too small to fit all the necessary spaces.


This developed version was able to reflect the intended style of Calatrava's architecture with the dominant structures supported by tension wires. The building was flipped so it faces into campus rather than to the road and the overall floor space was increased to accommodate all the required elements for the school.
